I am simple and believe in luck,labour,chance and god...
I Have Done 3 year diploma in MANIPURI dance from BHATKHANDE UNIVERSITY, lucknow & Have Done 2 year P.G.Diploma in DRAMATICS ARTS from Bhartendu Natya Academy(BNA),lucknow.My workfield as an actor & Directer in Film and Television.Also as a costume designer,choreographer and Directer in THEATRE.
I Have Done 3 months Film-Orientation course in film and television institute of india(FTII), Pune .
Nowdays Working in Indian Film Industry as Directer & Actress.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


human nature, mother nature,
enough of your torture.
safely nature, easy nature,
play your game,
foolish nature, custom nature,
I know your plan
can you nature, would you nature,
try to run away.
stupid nature, poor nature.
find my secret.
Miserable nature, faulty nature,
get out of my way.
It is in my nature,
It is my nature,
don't give me away.

celine charcoal