वर्तमान समय मे मराठी नाटककार विजय तेंदुलकर कृत नाटक "सखाराम बैंडर" में चम्पा चरित्र कर रही हूँ ,बहुत
अच्छा अनुभव है इसका प्रथम प्रदर्शन "लखनऊ महोत्सव " मे ६ दिसम्बर को हो रहा है पुनह दूसरा प्रदर्शन गया मे है.
I am simple and believe in luck,labour,chance and god...
I Have Done 3 year diploma in MANIPURI dance from BHATKHANDE UNIVERSITY, lucknow & Have Done 2 year P.G.Diploma in DRAMATICS ARTS from Bhartendu Natya Academy(BNA),lucknow.My workfield as an actor & Directer in Film and Television.Also as a costume designer,choreographer and Directer in THEATRE.
I Have Done 3 months Film-Orientation course in film and television institute of india(FTII), Pune .
Nowdays Working in Indian Film Industry as Directer & Actress.